Great Cozmoz Card Meanings
To get the answers you seek, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the meaning of the cards. However, keep in mind, the card meanings are not absolute, because each of us has a unique set of life experiences that affect our perception. In other words, you will most likely interpret the cards differently than someone else.
When cards are laid upside down (reversed), they take on the opposite meaning of their upright meaning. Both the upright and reversed meanings are included below.

Card 1 – New Beginnings. This card represents the start of a new cycle and good fortune. Marriage. Budding romance. New job, baby, puppy, etc. REVERSED: The end of a cycle that should have been over long ago. Procrastination. Hoarding. Clinging. Fear of letting go.

Card 2 – XOXO. Things are not what they seem. This card warns you about fickle friends or situations that appear promising on the outside, but do not align with your best interests. Materialistic. Hypocrisy. It may be time to retreat and re-evaluate. There are things yet to be revealed. REVERSED: You might be surprised at who or what comes through for you. Favorable outcome. Honesty. Integrity.

Card 3 – Law, Order & Knowledge. Consider how others are controlling you, or if you have been trying to control others. Decisions made at this time pave the way for important beginnings. Beware of hasty decisions or self-doubt. A specific situation will be resolved favorably if you have acted honorably. REVERSED: Someone isn’t playing by the rules. Unfairness. Corruption.

Card 4 – Stability. The number 4 represents the corners of a house foundation, which if built well provides long-lasting stability. Decide how important commitment and traditional values are to you at this time. REVERSED: You’ve built your house on sand. Your foundation is unstable, unreliable and unpredictable. Abuse of a position/situation. Consider how you can remedy the situation in a way that promotes stability.

Card 5 – Temptation. Just like the apple that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, something delicious beckons you—something too good to resist. Not every temptation is wrong, but many are, so consider the outcome before acting. Do what is right. Be wary of overindulgence, addictions or lack of discretion. REVERSED: You’re not following your heart. You’re thinking with your logical mind and ignoring all the pleasures of life. Live a little. Let go and have some fun. Be careful of being too suppressed, prudish or indoctrinated.

Card 6 – Bluebird of Happiness. This card represents the creation of new life, blooming relationships or new ventures. It also symbolizes fulfillment of your heart’s desires. Creativity. REVERSED: You got big dreams, but few of them are based on reality. It’s time to resolve domestic or financial problems.

Card 7 – Thumbs Up. The universe is giving you the green light to go ahead. It’s a great idea, an ideal match, and/or easy path to follow. Fairness. REVERSED: You just got a “thumbs down” on your question. Rethink what it is you’re trying to achieve. Maybe go back to the drawing board and come up with a new or revised plan. If the question was about love, it’s not looking good.

Card 8 – Patience. This card speaks of having the courage, patience and endurance to achieve whatever it is you want. Just like the slow, steady turtle won the race over the quick, but inconsistent, rabbit, keep a steady pace toward your goals. This is not the time to falter or doubt. Self-belief. Perseverance. REVERSED: You’re nearing the finish line. Give it all you’ve got. This is the time to push through whatever is blocking you from succeeding. If it’s love, try again. If it’s your job or school, give it your best effort. If it’s family, forgive and reunite. Life is short. Don’t waste it.

Card 9 – Transformation. Change can be a difficult, but necessary, part of life. Like the caterpillar who must endure dramatic changes to become a butterfly, the answer to your question involves transformation. This is the time to manifest your desires, but you must be willing to do whatever it is your heart guides you to do. Don’t be afraid of new situations, ideas or people. REVERSED: When upside down, this card suggests keeping things the same for now. There is something that needs to play out before you move forward. Just think of this as a time to rest, reenergize and reevaluate your life. Change will come, just not now.

Card 10 – Broken Heart. If your question was about a relationship, it’s not looking good. If your question was about a job, family or opportunities, this card says that things may not turn out like you wanted. This card also warns of betrayal, so be careful who you trust. Remember you are in control of your life—don’t let others cause you to doubt your self worth. Establish boundaries. REVERSED: What seems lost is not beyond repair. Keep your faith that things will turn out for the best. This doesn’t have to be the end of a relationship/job/etc., but rather a time for it to morph into something new.

Card 11 – Shooting Star. Wish upon a star! This is a time of new beginnings and manifesting your heart’s desires. It’s time to tap into your full potential and turn it into real world action. The number 11 is a master number and holds strong powers of manifestation. REVERSED: You are resisting a new path, relationship or opportunity, and clinging to the past. Let go! Great things await you, but only if you are open to them. Self-sabotage. Stubbornness. Negative thinking. Communication blocks.

Card 12 – Chart Your Course. The world awaits you! Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? Don’t let inexperience stop you. Embrace new beginnings. Beginner’s luck. Leap of faith. REVERSED: Have you been spreading yourself too thin, taking on too many projects or distracted by drama? It’s time to stay home and get your house in order. Naivety. Poor judgment. Folly.

Card 13 – Thumbs Down. The card says, “No.” Either reevaluate on how to proceed or make a different plan. Step away from people or situations that make you unhappy. Stagnation. Procrastination. REVERSED: When the card is upside down, it’s a “thumbs up”. Positive outcome. Break old habits.

Card 14 – Balance. This card is about maintaining balance and harmony in your life. If you’re contemplating a change, consider how it will impact your free time, family life and/or finances. If your life is out of balance, consider how you can tip the scales back into your favor. If you have an addiction, it’s time to seek help. Temperance. Maintain inner peace. REVERSED: Your need for predictability is hindering your life. Stop worrying about the outcome and enjoy the journey. Things may get a little turbulent as you pursue your goals and desires, but think of it as a temporary, but necessary, upheaval.

Card 15 – Commitment. Consider how your decision will impact your future before committing. If it feels right, then go for it, otherwise don’t make any promises you can’t keep. Marriage. Deposits. REVERSED: You have stayed too long in a unfavorable situation. Your love interest might be considering other options.

Card 16 – Love. This is the card you want to see when you ask, “Do they love me?” It speaks of a deeper love—the kind that’s willing to commit itself to the relationship to see if it has what it takes to endure. It also speaks of a passion for your work, interests and hobbies. Devotion. Loyalty. REVERSED: Not committed. Shallow. An enemy who acts like a friend. Backstabbing. End of a relationship/situation.

Card 17 – Sudden Change. This could be a time of unexpected changes that impact your current situation, causing you to rebuild from the ground up. Contemplate the things you should have already taken care of, and then take care of them before the universe steps in to mandate the changes. Renewal. Radical change. Course correction. Removal of unnecessary baggage. REVERSED: The change you were expecting probably isn’t going to happen, or your situation or desire is on hold for now.

Card 18 – Perfection. This card is a message that the blessings you hoped for have arrived or will soon. Expect to reap the rewards from your hard work and dedication. Fertility. Harmony. Contentment. Peace. REVERSED: It’s time to reevaluate your life and prioritize what’s important. Out-of-sync. Mismatched.

Card 19 – Karma. What goes around, comes around. Ask yourself if you deserve what you are asking for. If your question was about a job, do you have the skill set that’s needed? If it was about a relationship, have you been loyal and kind? If yes, then rejoice, because you’ve earned the good things coming your way. If you haven’t been on your best behavior, make amends before things get worse. This card says if you done your best, and been kind and honest, life is about to reward you. REVERSED: Sometimes we get things we don’t deserve. If things are good, be happy and enjoy your good fortune. If things are bad, remember this too shall pass. Windfall. Unexpected opportunity.

Card 20 – Endings. This is the final stage of a cycle. All things must come to an end, but every ending ushers in a new beginning. If the question was about a relationship ending, be assured you’ll love again. If you lost a job, know that a new one awaits you. It’s time to let go of the past and expect a better future. Endings are a time for inner reflection. Look out for potential deceit or hidden truths. REVERSED: You are in the beginning stages of your question. Things may not have progressed as far as you think they have—consider rekindling your efforts. If the question was about love, don’t push too hard. It’s too early.

Card 21 – Self Reflection. This card indicates it’s time to look in the mirror to see how your actions are contributing to the current situation. The card can also mean that you’re only looking at the superficial aspects of the situation or person—go deeper. Stop looking outside of yourself for gratification, approval or love. Ask yourself, “Why do I want this?” or “What am I getting out of this?” or “Is now the best time?” Self-love. Self-empowerment. Reinvent Yourself. REVERSED: Take a more realistic view of the
outside world. Are your relationships giving you what you need emotionally? Is your job just paying the bills without giving you any real satisfaction? Are your classes still in alignment with your ambitions?
If not, make the necessary changes.

Card 22 – Treasure. The number 22 is a master number and holds strong powers. This card focuses on the manifestation of your dreams, goals and desires. If you are wondering how a certain situation will play out, expect it to meet your expectations. Your thoughts are much more powerful than you realize, so be careful to think positively. Before purchasing a big ticket item, consider how its cost will impact your finances, because if you want it bad enough, it will be yours. REVERSED: You’re not in alignment with the universal energies, but don’t worry, this cycle will pass. Just be patient and keep your thoughts positive. In the meantime, clean out the closets, dive into your hobbies and/or save your money so you’ll be ready when it’s time to make changes.
Entertainment purposes only. Do not make any important life decisions based solely on your interpretation of the cards.